Lab Minutes Forum

Technical Discussion => Security => Topic started by: clemish on January 18, 2017, 07:48:55 AM

Title: Cisco Prime 3.1: Datacenter Hypervisor License
Post by: clemish on January 18, 2017, 07:48:55 AM
1. Going through the PI 3.1 videos.  Per Metha's video, it shows that PI can obtain VM information.  I have an SA that contacted Cisco saying that PI does not support VMs on a 3rd Party server.

2. Also, I have SNMPv3 configured on my 3850 core switch.  Running through the discovery process and Prime is not returning any information about the switch. It says No Data Available.  Credential Profile has been set up.  Currently, I've checked off all licenses to work with my Dell VMWare server.  The Admin/Dashboards/Smart Software Licensing Dashboard/Device Distribution for License that should reflect SNMP, ICMP, etc shows "No Data Available" -- I'm working on getting registering a license to see if it needs to go through a license/token process b/c it has to use the Smart Licensing vs. Eval.
Can the product work with the Eval license?

Config is below:

snmp-server group ACC_SNMP_V3 v3 priv write SNMPV3_WRITE
snmp-server group ACC_SNMP_V3 v3 auth context vlan- match prefix write SNMPV3_WRITE
snmp-server view SNMPV3_WRITE iso included
snmp-server community ACC-SNMP-RO RO 10
snmp-server trap-source Loopback0
snmp-server location Accelanet, HQ
snmp-server contact Accelanet IT
snmp-server enable traps snmp linkdown linkup
snmp-server enable traps mac-notification change move threshold
snmp-server host version 3 priv prime
snmp ifmib ifindex persist
Title: Re: Cisco Prime 3.1: Datacenter Hypervisor License
Post by: MC on January 21, 2017, 04:20:48 PM
Welcome to the forum
1. I can see that if it was for server monitoring but it does not really make sense for monitoring VM nor I can find any doc that says this. Either way, it should still work since PI talks directly to vCenter

2. Try to validate SNMP config with a tool like SNMPB. Default eval should work for basic features. You can also register PI to Smart Account to get eval for all features.
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