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DIA is covered under the NAT videos in SD-WAN (Advanced) video. SD-WAN requires sites to have common transport. In order for MPLS site to communicate with DIA site, the MPLS site must have a way to access internet either via MPLS or another hub site. Although it is possible, it is not recommended.
Hello, I have a question with regards to the implementation.. I don't believe I saw on your video about internet connectivity for network behind the vEdge routers. Basically, am trying to configure the vEdge so the devices behind will be able to still connect to the outside world. Second, is it possible to configure - for example - there are 3 locations, with 2 in an MPLS connection and 1 has a DIA to be able to be setup talk to each other? Please advise. Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated.
« Last post by saz6710 on July 08, 2019, 10:42:15 AM »
Any idea how to fix the certificate issue with controllers. i tried to generate CSR and after certificates are issued by CA, i get UUID null error.
Any idea ?
« Last post by MC on June 20, 2019, 09:27:36 PM »
DNAC can only push certain set of commands. If you find yourself needing commands that DNAC is yet to support like port security, you will need to either configure them manually or use Template to push it out.
« Last post by tomimma on June 13, 2019, 02:27:58 PM »
I understand that the video is released in 2018, and Cisco is aggressively releasing updates, unbelievably so far...
So, this question may be none sense. However, is this mandatory to configure SW1 by CLI with each command? DNA Center can't do this yet?
I feel like what is the point to using DNA Center, if this is necessary? in order to avoid complicated CLI setting in each device?...
« Last post by crismonilla on April 29, 2019, 11:33:12 PM »
what is you switch model and version? please share your policy in ISE
« Last post by crismonilla on April 29, 2019, 11:30:14 PM »
I also have the same problem for wired posture redirection. My ISE version is 2.1 patch 5 and c9300 version everest 16.6.4a. below my set up
« Last post by a_hamidreza on April 27, 2019, 02:07:28 PM »
I configured my hub and spoke router like video "SEC0257 - FlexVPN L2L with Dynamic Virtual Tunnel Interface (DVTI)"
everything works fine but the ip address of spoke router tunnel dont show in routing table static and i cannot ping the tunnel ip address and then i cannot run bgp routing protocol
i attach the configuration of hub and spoke router.
Please help me. Thanks.
« Last post by MC on April 02, 2019, 09:29:34 PM »
If you switch to native supplicant, does everything work the way it should?
« Last post by ansar471 on March 31, 2019, 01:08:22 AM »
I am trying to authenticate my domain PC's/users with ISE and am using Anyconnect 4.2 with eap-fast user and machine authentication.
Everything was working with window 7 until i re-image two nodes from 1.4 to 2.2 and restore ISE configs. I have window 7 which is in process to upgrade to window 10.
ISSUE: 1. After signing out window 10 machine authentication is happening and getting right result but after sign in with domain user posture is not working after looping its saying no policy server found. For it to work i have to click on NAM profile once more to re authenticate and in that case its starting its posture check.
2. Some machines are not even authenticating even i did restart, sign out. No session is showing on switch-port. 3. Some machine on authentication getting IPV6 logo only because we are not using IPv6 in the environment.
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